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The quick solution to knowledge and instant practice .
Learn Faster, Practice Smarter

things i never said, a novel by claudia wilson

About The Project

The project aims to simplify and facilitate sciences across various fields and help readers achieve tangible results through practical application. This is accomplished with a practical guide in the form of an innovative book, with contributions from trainers and specialists.

shape Background

Creative Book :

Revolutionizing Knowledge Sharing

  • Creative Book originated to fill an existing need, aiming to reach the largest possible audience in society faster, more effectively, and with greater impact, ensuring the widespread dissemination of knowledge and practical skills.
  • Our experience in selling printed books led us to a profound realization: we can reach approximately 1,000 people per month, far surpassing the reach of in-person training courses, which rarely engage even a tenth of that number.
  • Even when we manage to reach 100 people, it requires substantial effort and is seldom achieved outside of large-scale programs. This insight reinforced our belief in our innovative approach: to extend our reach into homes, businesses, and educational institutions, regardless of distance, offering an innovative book that serves as a practical guide rather than merely presenting philosophy and knowledge.
  • Our book will function as a comprehensive, step-by-step practical training course. To enhance understanding and application, it will be accompanied by explanatory videos and detailed clarifications. Furthermore, we welcome inquiries from readers and customers through Telegram groups, where our dedicated team stands ready to provide prompt and thorough assistance.





Our General Goals

Creating and publishing books across various fields. We foster collaboration with trainers and specialists to transform knowledge into practical steps, promoting a culture of practical application.

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always add altCollaboration

Reach as many trainers, teachers, and specialists in various fields as possible to foster collaboration and partnership between us and them.
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always add altDiversity

Prepare and publish books in all sciences, fields, and specializations.
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always add altPracticality

Promote a culture of work and practical application, transforming information, concepts, and philosophy into practical steps.
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always add altAccessibility

Reach the largest number of readers to achieve our mission and vision of making skills easier and more accessible for individuals and institutions.

Why to Choose Us ?

We foster partnerships with trainers, specialists, teachers, and authors to create exceptional and unique books. Adopting the 'Kaizen' philosophy, we continually improve our products, services, and team, ensuring the highest quality for our clients.

How to Work With Us

Request and Review the Contract

Obtain the contract, read it thoroughly, and inquire about any unclear clauses. Authors can also propose the addition of clauses that suit their needs.

Define the Topic or Program
Set the Timeline
Writing and Image Selection
Finalize the Book
Schedule Video Recordings
Design and Video Production
Post-Author Steps

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